For that purpose, it sends simple http queries. The WGC checks for any updates and notifications from time to time while in the background mode. If the icon is static, it means that the WGC isn't currently downloading any game updates, and it's in standby mode. While in the background mode, the WGC will be displayed as a round icon with the Wargaming logo on the taskbar in the bottom-right corner of the screen (near to the clock). In case when firewall/antivirus blocks Game Center, information about firewall/antivirus version has to be attached.By default, the WGC is set up in such a way that after you start it and then click the "Close" button the WGC will switch to the background mode but continue working.Dxdiag.txt (Start –> Command line -> dxdiag -> save as username_dxdiag.txt).Screenshots with occurred errors/crashes.installerlog.txt will be created in the same folder as file wargaming_game_center_install_eu.exe.Run the Game Center installer through the command line with following parameter: wargaming_game_center_install_eu.exe /LOG=./installerlog.txt.WOWP: Go to: %appdata%\\World of Warplanes\logs.WOWS: python.log (inside profile folder).WOT: python.log, game_info.xml and app_type.xml.

Game Center logs, crash dumps, preferences.xml (default path: C:\ProgramData\\GameCenter):.Short and easy to understand problem description.I tried everything and the issue persists - what now? Verify access rights to the folder where Game Center has been installed.Close the game and try again later.Įrror - Unable to process application files Import the game.Įrror - Game files are used by another process Game uninstall problems Error - Game is not registered in Game Center With the installation and upgrade to Game Center, there are two main types of problems: local and network. Go to Game tab > Settings > Check and Repair the game.Game launch problems Error - Game files not found or damaged Remove the game files from your system and reinstall.

Game Install and update problems Error - Unable to: process application, download update, connect to update server, install Remove all Game Center files from your Computer and reinstall.Verify availability and access rights to the folder where Game Center has been installed.Game Center Launch problems Error - Unable to: process, run application Restart your computer to clear the temporary files and active processes.Check antivirus restrictions for Game Center.Verify availability and access rights to the folder where Game Center is installed.Verify there's more than 300MB free space in your Hard Drive.Launch Game Center as an Administrator.Game Center Install problems Error - Unable to create: folder, file, shortcut